Glen Thielmann • Curriculum Vitae
Focus and Research Interests |
My work with students and educators focuses on the identity of learners, the various lenses by which this can be examined (e.g. social, geographical, curricular, and metaphoric), and a close regard for experiential and technological tools by which this identity can be realized and altered. In short, I’m interested in contexts.
While geographic literacy and modern Canadian history are compelling and have occupied most of my teaching assignments, I have a particular interest in regional British Columbia history and geography, and Canadian immigration stories from the 18th to early 20th century. My approach to all subjects is to engage student and educator identity (often in the context of heritage and culture) in the exploration of significant and useful learning. This is supported with authentic inquiry and assessment that makes use of primary sourcework and narrative writing. With secondary students, this work is aimed at developing active citizens and sustainable relationships with each other and the earth. With adult students this work is focused on building confidence and recognizing opportunities. With educators this work is about joyful teaching and uncluttered pedagogy. With all learners my goal is to promote curiosity, self-reliance, interdependence, and work-life balance. |
- MEd: Curriculum, Instruction and Leadership, Simon Fraser University, 2004
- PDP: Simon Fraser University, emphasis on secondary Humanities/Social Sciences, 1995,
- BA: double major in Geography and English, minor in Poli Sci/History, University of British Columbia, 1994
- PhD Candidate: UNBC Natural Resources & Environmental Studies (Geography) Program, started Sep 2019
- British Columbia Social Studies Teachers' Association (BCSSTA), Executive - member-at-large
- Pacific Slope Educational Consortium, founding director
- Prince George District Teachers' Association (PGDTA) Executive, Professional Development Chair
- Prince George Social Studies Teachers' Association (PGSSTA), President
- Barkerville Heritage Trust, Director - education rep, member-at-large, and past vice-chair
- Canadian Council for Geographic Education (CCGE), member & conference presenter
- Western Division, Canadian Association of Geographers, executive / student rep
- British Columbia Geography Articulation Committee, secondary rep
Teaching & Employment Background
Post-Baccalaureate & Post-Secondary
- UNBC Teacher Education Program, Sessional Instruction, EDUC 460 Humanities & Social Sciences, Fall 2018 and 2019
- SFU Grad Diploma Program Sessional Instructor and Mentor (Teaching and Learning in Today's Classrooms), Sep 2014-July 2016
- Guest Speaker UNBC Teacher Education Program (on Technology & Assessment), 2008-2010
- District 57 Technology Coach (mentoring teachers with new digital technology), 2003-2007
- SFU TLITE Post-Bacc Mentor (Teaching & Learning in a Technological Environment), 2004-2006
- School District 57 Curriculum Coach - half-time support position for senior Humanities teachers as they transition into the revised curriculum, 2018-2019
- Professional Development Fund Administrator and Committee Chair - half-time position for coordinating teacher Pro-D, supported jointly by School District 57 and the Prince George District Teachers' Association, Sep 2013-present
- Curriculum Implementation Planning Team - responsible for co-planning opportunities for teachers to explore the new BC Curriculum, particularly Gr. 10-12 teachers and Social Studies teachers, 2015-2017
- Position of Special Responsibility, D.P. Todd Secondary, 2005-2010 - leadership role related to educational technology and school growth planning
- Teacher, D.P. Todd Secondary (2003-2018): Social Studies 9-11 and Geography 12 (many times), also Planning 10, English 8-9, 11 (a few times), locally developed Humanities programs (twice)
- Teacher, College Heights Secondary (1996-2003): Social Studies 8-10 (many times), Geography 12, BC First Nations 12, English 11, Student Council Guidance, S.S. Dep't Head, Art 8-9 , Drama 8, and Alternate 9 Math (a few times)
- Teacher, Duchess Park Secondary (1996): Social Studies 9, Pre-Employment Program
- Online and Paper-based Contract Marker For Social Studies, Geography, History, BC First Nations, and Comparative Civilizations, 2001-2014
- Ecosystem Classification, Cartography, Silvacultural Planning, Timbercruising, 1992-1996
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Judith C. Lapadat, Willow I. Brown, Glen N. Thielmann and Catherine E. McGregor. Teaching with Blogs: A Case Study of Technologically Mediated Literacy. International Journal of Learning and Media 2010 2:2-3, 63-79
Glen Thielmann, Lewis, Martin, Pereira, Martin, Truant et al. Thinking it Through: A Social Studies Sourcebook, Toronto: Pearson Canada, 2018
Curriculum Development
Board Authorized Course (Locally Developed): Middle Earth 12
Senior (Gr. 11-12) Humanities Course; project-based learning, comparison of fantasy and real-world literature, language, and landscape. Developed 2012-2013, piloted 2014, recognized by UNBC Senate as an academic course credit for entrance qualifications (first locally developed course to do so).
Pearson Education Canada
BC Distance Education Consortium
Lead course designer/writer for online version of Sustainable Resources 12 Forestry, 2009-2011
Webriver Project
Use of interactive web and social media to share Social Studies and Geography curriculum, 2004-present -- my work has been picked up though-out BC schools, Off-shore BC schools in China, Korea, Thailand, and "Learning and Teaching Scotland" (Consultants).
Senior (Gr. 11-12) Humanities Course; project-based learning, comparison of fantasy and real-world literature, language, and landscape. Developed 2012-2013, piloted 2014, recognized by UNBC Senate as an academic course credit for entrance qualifications (first locally developed course to do so).
Pearson Education Canada
- Lead author, Thinking it Through, a source-based student workbook for Social Studies 9, published Fall 2017 (officially © 2018)
- Consulting reviewer, adaptation of "Counterpoints" content for Ontario Gr. 10 History text, 2015
- eLearning Design Consultant, Horizons 2nd ed. Social Studies 10 textbook mobile version/etext resources, 2012
- Consulting reviewer, Pathways 2nd ed. Social Studies 8 textbook, 2011
- Contributing writer and consulting reviewer, Counterpoints 2nd ed. Social Studies 11 textbook, 2009-2010
BC Distance Education Consortium
Lead course designer/writer for online version of Sustainable Resources 12 Forestry, 2009-2011
Webriver Project
Use of interactive web and social media to share Social Studies and Geography curriculum, 2004-present -- my work has been picked up though-out BC schools, Off-shore BC schools in China, Korea, Thailand, and "Learning and Teaching Scotland" (Consultants).
Grants and Awards
SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship
BC Graduate Scholarship
Golden Star Award, B.C. Retired Teachers Association, May 2018
J. Alistair McVey Award for Teaching Excellence, Western Division Canadian Association of Geographers, March 2018
Governor General's History Award for Excellence in Teaching, Nov 2017
District 57 Learning Innovation Grant, Spring 2016
Government of Canada History Award for Teachers, Oct 2015,
Aboriginal Education Schools Network Grant (via NOII), October 2013
District 57 Action Initiative Technology Grant, May 2009
District 57 Technology Innovation Grant, May 2006
Public Health Agency of Canada, July 2005
- Awarded to to successful applicants who met the criteria for important Social Science and Humanities research; in my case the application was based on my research proposal on "The possibilities of place: Tracing the roots of place-responsive K-12 educator practice in North Central BC"
- nature of award: $20,000 to assist in any/all areas of Graduate Studies
BC Graduate Scholarship
- Awarded to new Graduate students (Masters/PhD) based on an application and GPA in previous 2 yrs of school
- nature of award: $15,000 to assist in any/all areas of Graduate Studies
Golden Star Award, B.C. Retired Teachers Association, May 2018
- The BCRTA believes that within every community there is a wealth of knowledge and wisdom among seniors that could be used to enhance the learning experience of students at every grade level, right from Kindergarten through Grade 12... Therefore, five (5) BCRTA Golden Star Awards have been created to recognize and reward established school programs in the public system that have, as the focus, the interaction of BC students with seniors. <BCRTA awards ppt>
- focus: Heritage Inquiry Program at D.P. Todd Secondary School
- nature of award: $1500 for use in the school to enhance the Heritage Inquiry Program
J. Alistair McVey Award for Teaching Excellence, Western Division Canadian Association of Geographers, March 2018
- The purpose of The J. Alistair McVey Award for Teaching Excellence is to recognize a geography instructor known for the quality of their teaching. This is in recognition of the central importance of teaching excellence in geographic education. The recipient is intended to be a teacher in a university, college or secondary school in BC or Alberta. This award is named after Alistair McVey, a well known and highly-respected geography instructor in the BC college system for more than 35 years. <UVIC's WDCAG site - Awards>
- nature of award: plaque presented at WDCAG Banquet, March 10th, 2018 in Edmonton
Governor General's History Award for Excellence in Teaching, Nov 2017
- focus: "Skookum Stories" -- heritage inquiry, project-based learning in Grade 9 Social Studies
- project link:
- nature of award: $3500 (split with school) and recognition from Canada's History and the Governor-General Julie Payette
District 57 Learning Innovation Grant, Spring 2016
- focus: Assessment Boxes -- primary source manipulatives for critical thinking in Social Studies 9
- project link:
- nature of grant: $7000 for a team of 5 for time and supplies
Government of Canada History Award for Teachers, Oct 2015,
- focus: "The Echo Project" -- heritage inquiry, project-based learning in Grade 11 Social Studies
- project link:
- nature of award: $2000 and recognition from Canada's History on behalf of the Government of Canada
Aboriginal Education Schools Network Grant (via NOII), October 2013
- focus: transitions (high school to post-secondary and work), community/natural connections to Aboriginal Ways of Knowing
- nature of grant: $1000 for subsidizing field trips
District 57 Action Initiative Technology Grant, May 2009
- focus: mobile learning and content, ipods as geographic literacy tools, continued support for 2006 grant and web publishing of related resources
- nature of grant: $3,000 for equipment and release time
District 57 Technology Innovation Grant, May 2006
- focus: podcasting for global literacy, exploration of rich media and ipods for field interviews
- nature of grant: $11,000 for equipment and release time
Public Health Agency of Canada, July 2005
- focus: documentary film about a culturally-based drop-in centre and HIV/AIDS program in downtown Prince George (The Fire Pit, managed by Positive Living North); my role was writing/filming/editing
- nature of grant: $50,000 for all aspects of film production shared between a team of four -- the film was used to locally to promote the program and was also shown as part of the media showcase at the XVI International AIDS Conference, 2006
Conference Presentations
"Dead Reckoning: Charting New Waters in Education" North Island School District Teachers Conference (Port McNeil), Feb 2018
Keynote talk on where we've come from and where we're going with revised K-12 curriculum in British Columbia. Also two workshops on Heritage Inquiry and Teacher Creativity. Repeated the keynote talk for UNBC's Northern Historical Conference (Prince George) Feb 2018.
"Doing Sourcework with Students" BC Social Studies Teachers' Association Fall Conference (Vancouver), Oct 2017
Co-presenter: Rob Lewis. Topics: Capacity in students for evidence-based investigation, inquiry, and research — the “doing” part of Social Studies. Examples from a new “Sourcebook” publication from Pearson Education for Social Studies 9 to show ways of doing “Sourcework” with students.
"Teacher Creativity Models" and "Students as Master Storytellers," Offshore Education Collaborative Summer Conference (Vancouver), July 2017
Topics: teacher collaborative models, with a focus on developing "competency" abilities for working with historical sources and a look at experimental course design. Capacity of students to conduct meaningful historical and geographic research and share personal connections to story and place.
"Planning, teaching, and assessing Social Studies in the context of new curriculum," Sunshine Coast Teachers' Conference (Sechelt), Feb 2017
Topics: purpose of Social Studies education with an activity and readings, looked at how the teacher values the emerge from these purposes are the foundation for working with the revised curriculum, and examined a variety of Social Studies projects and competency-based student exemplars.
"Skookum Stories: Heritage Inquiry and the New Curriculum," BC Social Studies Teachers' Association Fall Conference, Oct 2016
Topic: Using Heritage Inquiry and Curricular Competencies for Project-Based Learning. Examples from recent work by BC Social Studies 9 students.
"Language and Landscapes: Teens exploring place and memory" BC Teachers of English Language Arts Fall Conference, Oct 2015.
Topic: shared student projects from Gr. 9-12 classes that relate to student identity and direct experiences with special places, historical fiction, cultural landscapes, environmental and geographic themes in fantasy literature. Explored concept of "Cultural Landscapes."
"Dead Reckoning: Strategies for Navigating New Curricular Waters," UBC Faculty of Education Investigating Our Practices Conference, May 2015
Topic: review of professional development efforts to focus teachers on values-based pedagogy as they consider challenges of, and approaches to, new BC K-12 curriculum and the BCEdPlan; full workshop on this topic given for Social Studies and English teachers at the May 2015 Surrey Teachers Association Convention
"Simulations and Cultural Inquiry in Social Studies," Surrey Teachers Association Annual Convention, May 2015
Topic: critical thinking in Social Studies, student engagement through making personal connection to the curriculum
"Heritage Inquiry as Common Ground for Teacher Dialogue," UBC Faculty of Education Investigating Our Practices Conference, May 2014
Topic: Personal/Professional Learning Networks, student-focused discussions, critical thinking in Social Studies
"When Educators Co-Create," Surrey Teachers Association Annual Convention, May 2014
Topic: Experimental Curriculum & Course Design for Secondary Schools
"Heritage Inquiry: Connecting Land, People, and Narrative," Surrey Teachers Association Annual Convention, May 2014
Student Heritage Research and project-based learning for Social Studies 10, 11, and Geography 12
“A Tricky Narrative,” BC Educational Leadership Fall Conference (hosted by BC School Superintendents Association), Nov 2012
Topic: Placing personalized learning and progressive pedagogy midst ecologies of identity, technology, curriculum, and organizational design.
“Social Studies Roundtable: Heritage Inquiry,” BC North Central Zone Educational Conference, March 2011
Topic: Purpose, pedagogy, student engagement, project strategies, assessment, and exemplars of heritage research in Social Studies 9, 10, and 11
“Digital Storytelling,” BC North Central Zone Educational Conference, March 2009
Topic: building and assessing accounts of deep learning with and without technology; learning to recognize the unique ways in which our students arrive ready to share what they have learned
“Technology, Curriculum, Identity,” BC North Central Zone Educational Conference, March 2008
Topic: the role personal identity and self (of both teacher and student) have in making curriculum awaken and learning stick, and an understanding of how this is impacted by technology
“Exploring the Digital Landscape,” BC North Central Zone Educational Conference, March 2007
Topic:making the most of the wired classroom with transformative educational technology; some surprising ideas on what works and what doesn’t (included research results from an Innovation Grant)
“Blogging and Beyond,” BC North Central Zone Educational Conference, March 2006
Topic: Educational Technology to bridge the gap between curriculum and identity
“Blog This!,” BC North Central Zone Educational Conference, March 2005
Topic: Technology and the Humanities: new tools and new challenges for thinking, communication, research, and literacy
“Finding Enkidu,” SFU M.Ed Cumulative Examination Presentation Conference, July 2004
Topic: explored the use of ecological models and geographic metaphors to inform the process of narrative self-inquiry and curriculum design (part of a continuum, or landscape); presentation included a paper and accompanying film project
note: versions of the 2007-2009 BCNCZ Conference presentations were given in seminar format with Teacher Candidates in the UNBC Teacher Education program
Keynote talk on where we've come from and where we're going with revised K-12 curriculum in British Columbia. Also two workshops on Heritage Inquiry and Teacher Creativity. Repeated the keynote talk for UNBC's Northern Historical Conference (Prince George) Feb 2018.
"Doing Sourcework with Students" BC Social Studies Teachers' Association Fall Conference (Vancouver), Oct 2017
Co-presenter: Rob Lewis. Topics: Capacity in students for evidence-based investigation, inquiry, and research — the “doing” part of Social Studies. Examples from a new “Sourcebook” publication from Pearson Education for Social Studies 9 to show ways of doing “Sourcework” with students.
"Teacher Creativity Models" and "Students as Master Storytellers," Offshore Education Collaborative Summer Conference (Vancouver), July 2017
Topics: teacher collaborative models, with a focus on developing "competency" abilities for working with historical sources and a look at experimental course design. Capacity of students to conduct meaningful historical and geographic research and share personal connections to story and place.
"Planning, teaching, and assessing Social Studies in the context of new curriculum," Sunshine Coast Teachers' Conference (Sechelt), Feb 2017
Topics: purpose of Social Studies education with an activity and readings, looked at how the teacher values the emerge from these purposes are the foundation for working with the revised curriculum, and examined a variety of Social Studies projects and competency-based student exemplars.
"Skookum Stories: Heritage Inquiry and the New Curriculum," BC Social Studies Teachers' Association Fall Conference, Oct 2016
Topic: Using Heritage Inquiry and Curricular Competencies for Project-Based Learning. Examples from recent work by BC Social Studies 9 students.
"Language and Landscapes: Teens exploring place and memory" BC Teachers of English Language Arts Fall Conference, Oct 2015.
Topic: shared student projects from Gr. 9-12 classes that relate to student identity and direct experiences with special places, historical fiction, cultural landscapes, environmental and geographic themes in fantasy literature. Explored concept of "Cultural Landscapes."
"Dead Reckoning: Strategies for Navigating New Curricular Waters," UBC Faculty of Education Investigating Our Practices Conference, May 2015
Topic: review of professional development efforts to focus teachers on values-based pedagogy as they consider challenges of, and approaches to, new BC K-12 curriculum and the BCEdPlan; full workshop on this topic given for Social Studies and English teachers at the May 2015 Surrey Teachers Association Convention
"Simulations and Cultural Inquiry in Social Studies," Surrey Teachers Association Annual Convention, May 2015
Topic: critical thinking in Social Studies, student engagement through making personal connection to the curriculum
"Heritage Inquiry as Common Ground for Teacher Dialogue," UBC Faculty of Education Investigating Our Practices Conference, May 2014
Topic: Personal/Professional Learning Networks, student-focused discussions, critical thinking in Social Studies
"When Educators Co-Create," Surrey Teachers Association Annual Convention, May 2014
Topic: Experimental Curriculum & Course Design for Secondary Schools
"Heritage Inquiry: Connecting Land, People, and Narrative," Surrey Teachers Association Annual Convention, May 2014
Student Heritage Research and project-based learning for Social Studies 10, 11, and Geography 12
“A Tricky Narrative,” BC Educational Leadership Fall Conference (hosted by BC School Superintendents Association), Nov 2012
Topic: Placing personalized learning and progressive pedagogy midst ecologies of identity, technology, curriculum, and organizational design.
“Social Studies Roundtable: Heritage Inquiry,” BC North Central Zone Educational Conference, March 2011
Topic: Purpose, pedagogy, student engagement, project strategies, assessment, and exemplars of heritage research in Social Studies 9, 10, and 11
“Digital Storytelling,” BC North Central Zone Educational Conference, March 2009
Topic: building and assessing accounts of deep learning with and without technology; learning to recognize the unique ways in which our students arrive ready to share what they have learned
“Technology, Curriculum, Identity,” BC North Central Zone Educational Conference, March 2008
Topic: the role personal identity and self (of both teacher and student) have in making curriculum awaken and learning stick, and an understanding of how this is impacted by technology
“Exploring the Digital Landscape,” BC North Central Zone Educational Conference, March 2007
Topic:making the most of the wired classroom with transformative educational technology; some surprising ideas on what works and what doesn’t (included research results from an Innovation Grant)
“Blogging and Beyond,” BC North Central Zone Educational Conference, March 2006
Topic: Educational Technology to bridge the gap between curriculum and identity
“Blog This!,” BC North Central Zone Educational Conference, March 2005
Topic: Technology and the Humanities: new tools and new challenges for thinking, communication, research, and literacy
“Finding Enkidu,” SFU M.Ed Cumulative Examination Presentation Conference, July 2004
Topic: explored the use of ecological models and geographic metaphors to inform the process of narrative self-inquiry and curriculum design (part of a continuum, or landscape); presentation included a paper and accompanying film project
note: versions of the 2007-2009 BCNCZ Conference presentations were given in seminar format with Teacher Candidates in the UNBC Teacher Education program
Leadership and Collaborative Work
PGSSTA and BCSSTA, 2016-present
Activities: joined the executive of the B.C. Socials Teachers executive and became involved in their projects; this led to an effort to launch a "local specialist association" (a chapter of the BCSSTA) in Prince George. Duties as president of the PGSSTA include planning an annual event and running a few meetings. Hoping this set of involvements continues to justify the time involved.
BCTF Service, 2016-present
Activities: part of the Professional and Social Issues & School Union Rep Training programs (BCTF Facilitator Institute), workshop facilitator. Joined the BCTF Professional Issues Advisory Committee in 2016 as a member-at-large for North-Central BC.
PGDTA Professional Development Committee, Prince George SD 57, 2012-present
Activities: decision-making and organizing body related to Pro-D activities and events taken in by members of the District Teachers Association; currently sitting as Committee Chair and Fund Administrator for a $120,000 Teacher Pro-D Fund
Pacific Slope Consortium, Prince George SD 57, 2010-present
Activities: creation of curricular projects for Social Studies and co-facilitator of a think-tank for critical inquiry, public education advocacy, and meaningful assessment with an aim to broaden and enrich the boundary between identity and learning
More with Less Research Group, Prince George SD 57, 2010
Activities: provided leadership and media relations to a dynamic group of educators and parents who created a vision for sustainability in a school district facing massive cuts; our key focus was a report modeling an alternate budget process and list of creative measures to sustain educational and social capital across school communities
Position of Special Responsibility, D. P. Todd Secondary, 2005-2010
Activities: development of School Plan for Student Success, support for curriculum and instruction projects, coordination of technology committee, technology plan, evergreen budget, advocacy on school and district educational issues, coordinate professional development
Technology Committees, D.P. Todd and College Heights Secondary, 2002-2010
Activities: team development of a 3-year plans, focus on staff training, pro-d and inservice on website construction and management, marks programs, multimedia presentation and video editing
School Planning Council, D. P. Todd Secondary, 2005-2008
Activities: represent the school as a teacher, Key Tech Contact, and teacher-leader (Position of Special Responsibility); a key focus session was the demonstration of our School Plan for Student Success in action with an External Review Team
Key Tech Contact and BCESIS Trainer, D. P. Todd Secondary, 2005-2008
Activities: liaise with district on technology initiatives and interpretation of tech standards, train staff on “Teacher Assistant” module of new data management system
Technology for Learning District Committee Member, Prince George SD 57, 2004-2005
Team of educators examining best practices for the integration of technology into learning communities
Quality Learning Globally Member, Prince George SD 57, 2004-2005
Team of educators engaged in professional development of resources, tools, and practice for online learning; key component was inquiry into how students succeed in distributed learning environments
District Technology Team Secondary Teacher Rep, Prince George SD 57, 2003-2005
Decision-making committee overseeing technology standards and district plans; served on Technology Standards Working Group, Technology Assessment Working Group
Social Studies Department Chair, College Heights Secondary, 2001-2003,
Activities: coordinate department activities, organize and chair meetings, design assessment review, develop and review policy and programs, archive student projects and department records, liaison with staff and administration, website development
Student Leadership, College Heights Secondary, 1997-2001
Activities: student council coordination, school beautification, website development, leadership for dances, school events, recognition programs, organized annual Flying U Ranch Trip for Grade 8
Activities: joined the executive of the B.C. Socials Teachers executive and became involved in their projects; this led to an effort to launch a "local specialist association" (a chapter of the BCSSTA) in Prince George. Duties as president of the PGSSTA include planning an annual event and running a few meetings. Hoping this set of involvements continues to justify the time involved.
BCTF Service, 2016-present
Activities: part of the Professional and Social Issues & School Union Rep Training programs (BCTF Facilitator Institute), workshop facilitator. Joined the BCTF Professional Issues Advisory Committee in 2016 as a member-at-large for North-Central BC.
PGDTA Professional Development Committee, Prince George SD 57, 2012-present
Activities: decision-making and organizing body related to Pro-D activities and events taken in by members of the District Teachers Association; currently sitting as Committee Chair and Fund Administrator for a $120,000 Teacher Pro-D Fund
Pacific Slope Consortium, Prince George SD 57, 2010-present
Activities: creation of curricular projects for Social Studies and co-facilitator of a think-tank for critical inquiry, public education advocacy, and meaningful assessment with an aim to broaden and enrich the boundary between identity and learning
More with Less Research Group, Prince George SD 57, 2010
Activities: provided leadership and media relations to a dynamic group of educators and parents who created a vision for sustainability in a school district facing massive cuts; our key focus was a report modeling an alternate budget process and list of creative measures to sustain educational and social capital across school communities
Position of Special Responsibility, D. P. Todd Secondary, 2005-2010
Activities: development of School Plan for Student Success, support for curriculum and instruction projects, coordination of technology committee, technology plan, evergreen budget, advocacy on school and district educational issues, coordinate professional development
Technology Committees, D.P. Todd and College Heights Secondary, 2002-2010
Activities: team development of a 3-year plans, focus on staff training, pro-d and inservice on website construction and management, marks programs, multimedia presentation and video editing
School Planning Council, D. P. Todd Secondary, 2005-2008
Activities: represent the school as a teacher, Key Tech Contact, and teacher-leader (Position of Special Responsibility); a key focus session was the demonstration of our School Plan for Student Success in action with an External Review Team
Key Tech Contact and BCESIS Trainer, D. P. Todd Secondary, 2005-2008
Activities: liaise with district on technology initiatives and interpretation of tech standards, train staff on “Teacher Assistant” module of new data management system
Technology for Learning District Committee Member, Prince George SD 57, 2004-2005
Team of educators examining best practices for the integration of technology into learning communities
Quality Learning Globally Member, Prince George SD 57, 2004-2005
Team of educators engaged in professional development of resources, tools, and practice for online learning; key component was inquiry into how students succeed in distributed learning environments
District Technology Team Secondary Teacher Rep, Prince George SD 57, 2003-2005
Decision-making committee overseeing technology standards and district plans; served on Technology Standards Working Group, Technology Assessment Working Group
Social Studies Department Chair, College Heights Secondary, 2001-2003,
Activities: coordinate department activities, organize and chair meetings, design assessment review, develop and review policy and programs, archive student projects and department records, liaison with staff and administration, website development
Student Leadership, College Heights Secondary, 1997-2001
Activities: student council coordination, school beautification, website development, leadership for dances, school events, recognition programs, organized annual Flying U Ranch Trip for Grade 8
Professional Facilitation & Coordination
BCTF Workshop Facilitator: Professional and Social Issues series -- Examples: Social Media in Education for Richmond Teachers Assoc. conference (Spring 2017), Pro-D Staff Rep Training for teachers in Prince George and Vanderhoof (Fall 2017), Boundary Issues workshop for Vanderhoof teachers, Assessment Issues workshop for BCTF Facilitator Training Institute in Vancouver BC (Fall 2017).
Coordinator: Place in Education Symposium - place-based curriculum, experiential and place-conscious learning, Barkerville, BC, Sep 2016 and Sep 2018, url:
Prince George Search and Rescue Strategic Planning, Feb 20-21, 2016
Coordinator: Educational Spring Fling, BCTF North Central Zone Annual Conference (c. 1000 educators), Prince George, BC, 2014-2018, url:
Coordinator: Place in Education Symposium - place-based curriculum, experiential and place-conscious learning, Barkerville, BC, Sep 2016 and Sep 2018, url:
Prince George Search and Rescue Strategic Planning, Feb 20-21, 2016
Coordinator: Educational Spring Fling, BCTF North Central Zone Annual Conference (c. 1000 educators), Prince George, BC, 2014-2018, url:
Personal Interests
I spend most of my free time with my two children (age 12 and 15) and my partner, who has worked as a GIS technician (computer mapper), postal delivery person, elected school trustee, admin assistant, a disability management service facilitator for Northern Health, and is now enrolled in the UNBC Social Work program. She spends her free time doing pottery and reading.
At various times I have tried my hand at hiking, gardening, coaching basketball, film editing, web design, genealogy, swimming, botany, flyfishing, and birdwatching. Reading, writing, and teaching have been the only constants. Before entering the teaching profession in 1996, I worked for various forest consultant firms, primarily as an ecosystem geographer in the woods of northern BC and Alberta.
At various times I have tried my hand at hiking, gardening, coaching basketball, film editing, web design, genealogy, swimming, botany, flyfishing, and birdwatching. Reading, writing, and teaching have been the only constants. Before entering the teaching profession in 1996, I worked for various forest consultant firms, primarily as an ecosystem geographer in the woods of northern BC and Alberta.
References, Etc.
For home contact info and professional references, please contact me. Depending on the context, I typically pick from a list that includes: principals/supervisors/school board staff, teaching colleagues - elementary and secondary, teaching colleagues and faculty contacts - post-secondary, community/political such as trustees/chair and local mayor, local and provincial union associates such as PGDTA and BCTF presidents, media contacts, and public historians.